In 2010, the Chamber created a community fund called “Van Rensselaer Fund Rensselaer County Regional Chamber of Commerce.” This fund allows the Chamber to apply for and receive grant funding for a variety of member-focused initiatives. Our mission is to use this field of interest fund agreement with The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region to support arts, culture and education, and to promote the economic vitality of the region.
This fund will allow the Chamber to expand and diversify its offerings, providing scholarships for educational and entrepreneurial programs, such as The Leadership Institute. The financial support of donors will directly assist the Chamber to provide programs designed to help businesses grow and succeed in the Rensselaer County region.
If you or your company would like to make a commitment to the fund, contact the Chamber President Kate Manley at 518.274.7020. Gifts of all levels make a valuable difference in the Chamber's ability to continue offering professional education programs and we appreciate your support.