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Membership Directory

Victorious Life Christian Church

Representative: Dominick J Brignola, Esq.
1838 Fifth Avenue Troy , NY 12180-3301
(518) 272-4237

Business description:

Victorious Life is a community of Christian believers compelled by the love of God to serve and renew our city through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Based in Troy, New York, Victorious Life serves individuals and families throughout the Capital Region.We are ordinary people from all walks of life, with imperfect and often messy lives, who desire to know and love Jesus Christ and be transformed by His gospel. As a community, we are growing and learning to serve one another, our city and our world. Beginning as a small house church, we now reach thousands of households in our city through our local missions work. Victorious Life is a place where all are welcome, regardless of questions, doubts, backgrounds or struggles. Our desire is to grow as a m

Member since: 1988

Security veteran to lead comprehensive safety and risk management initiatives across Pennrose's development portfolio Pennrose announced the appointment of Kevin Tarangioli as the enterprise’s first director of security and safety, reaffirming the company's commitment to resident and personnel safety across its communities. In his role, Tarangioli…
The BeyHive BeyHousing: WIN a Beyoncé VIP Hotel Experience Package for Two Vibee is providing curated experience packages for Beyoncé's COWBOY CARTER TOUR—and you could win one of these experiences for yourself and a friend with your support for Joseph's House & Shelter, Inc. and our work to end local homelessness! To learn more: https://www.…
NEWS RELEASE   GlobalFoundries–Town of Stillwater Foundation Accepting Applications for 2025 Grants The Foundation has invested more than $587,000 in the Stillwater community since 2013 Deadline for grant applications is March 31, 2025     Malta, NY, Feb. 27, 2025 – GlobalFoundries (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF) has announced that the GF–Town of Stillwater…
The 1 Million Cups Monthly Meetings are happening throughout 2025 in the Chamber's 1st Floor Conference Room! Held every second Wednesday of the month,…
Get ready for an unforgettable experience at our 1st Indoor Golf Event on Thursday, March 13th at The Bunker North Greenbush! The event runs from 8 AM to…
Join us for our monthly Rising Professionals group meeting! We are excited to welcome Elizabeth Miller, Executive Director at Capital District Women's…
8:30am - 9:30am